authentication vs authorization
not designed for authentication!
just use OpenID Connect for authentication.
Delegated Authorization
e.g.: I authorize a third party application to get my google profile.
Resource owner: user who owns resource and could authorize you to get that (me)
Client: the application that needs to get access to resource (third party)
Authorization server: system to authorize certain permission (the server to login to your google account)
Resource server: server that stores resource (profile data), could be the same as authorization server
Authorization grant: whole workflow, proves that user has authorized
Redirect URI: or callback, where should I go back at the end of the workflow
Access token: client needs this to get data
back channel vs front channel
backchannel: highly secure channel (e.g. system we can trust such as server)
front channel: less secure channel (e.g. cannot 100% trust browser)
client id: not sensitive and could pass along front channel
client secret: sensitive data
authorization code: front + back
implicit: front channel only, just get token directly without exchange step (e.g. static single page JS application)
resource owner password credentials: to make some older systems compatible
client credentials: back channel just post to authorization server directly