1.1 finite automata
finite automata = finite state machine
computational model: idealized computer
e.x. 自动门
需要1bit来存储state - state: 开启/关闭 - condition: 前面有人后面没人、前面没人后面没人……
e.x. Markov chains
patterns of data
Formal Def of a Finite Automation
A finite automation is a 5-tuple(),where:
- Q is a finite set called the states
- is a finite set called the alphabet
- is the transition function
- is the start state
- is the set of accept states
language of machine M: L(M)=A
If , then M recognizes A
Formal Def of Computation
Let M=() be a finite automation and be a string over alphabet . Then M accepts w if a sequence of states exists in Q with the following three conditions:
- , for
A language is called a regular language if some finite automation recognizes it.
Designing Finite Automata
收集作出决策(每读入一个字母时)所必要的最精简信息,然后决定用几个状态来储存这些信息,并寻找他们之间的逻辑,最后确定start state和set of accept states。
The Regular Operations
i.e. the properties of finite automata & regular languages Let A and B be languages. Define regular operations as follows:
- Union:
- Concatenation:
- Star:
The class of regular languages is closed under these operation. (It will be easier for us to prove after learning nondeterminism.)