React Native
Path Convention
src(components, screens)
assets(images etc.)
Style Sheet
flexDirection: 'row' justifyContent: 'space-between' alignItems: 'center'
child fill the parent: ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject
Box Object Model
margin border padding
Flex Box
children's layout in a parent
a child's layout in order to override the above two
position: 'absolute' could ignore all siblings
React Navigation
npx expo-cli install react-native-gesture-handler react-native-reanimated react-navigation-stack@1.10.3
For App.js:
import { createAppContainer } from 'react-navigation';
import { createStackNavigator } from 'react-navigation-stack';
import screen;
const navigator = createStackNavigtor({screens},{other});
export default createAppContainer(navigator);
guaranteed update:
const addGoalHandler = () =>{
setGoals(currentGoals => [...currentGoals, enteredGoal]);
const [state, runReducer(dispatch)] = useReducer(reducer, {default})
reducer: (state, action)
some conventions for action object: type for string that describe the operation, payload for the amount or data
useState(function,[value]), will render only for the first time or the value(s) changed
in a single file
- import libraries
- create a function that returns some JSX
- create stylesheet object
- export the component
(it is better to save all components into a folder called components or src)
const GoalInput = props => {
return ();
export default GoalInput;
you could return an empty tag <>
views will fill the whole android screen hidden behind the bottom bar, so you have to set view flex:1
(TouchableOpacity or without feedback) you need to wrap everything in it like view
it optimizes scrolling by only rendering what's required than ScrollView
data: a list of objects with property key(or id)
renderItem: a function, input is the object
you could also use keyExtractor to get a key for each item
If the key is not provided RN have to regenerate the whole list if anything got deleted.
some props
horizontal(true or false)
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator(show scroll bar or not)
be careful of props:
autoCapitalize("none"), autoCorrect(false)
toggle inspector
remote debugging(in expo)
react native debugger